System Summary Form (SSF), 2021 Senior USBC

Team: Lewis Last Updated Apr 28, 2018 at 23:07
Players: John Stiefel - Doug Doub

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2D opening bid shows 11 to 14 point and 4441 or 4405 distribution with any shortness. The 5 card suit is almost never a major.
2H response to 1 of a minor opening = 9-10 with 4+ clubs.
Transfer advances after we overcall, starting at opener's suit.

General Bidding Style

5-card majors.
1NT = 12-14, never a 5-card major, OK to upgrade a good 11 or downgrade a bad 15.
2/1 = game force except 1C-2C-2D-2NT = n/f.
Pre-empt style is based on vulnerability (normal).

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

vs. Suits: 3rd from even, low from odd
vs. NT - K = power lead asks for count or unblock and other leads ask for attitude.
vs. Suits and NT: Rusinow leads (lower of touching honors) except in partner's suit, dummy's suit or when a pre-emptor leads a side suit.
At 5-level or higher vs. suits, we lead standard.
When leading partner's suit vs. NT, a low card shows a holding of 9xx or better.

Defensive Signals

Standard count and attitude.
Signaling priority = count, attitude,suit preference but we give what is needed most. Often give suit preference in the trump suit or a side suit.
No Smith Echo.
In mid-hand, we lead 10 or 9 = 0 or 2 hither.
3rd hand gives count when opening leader leads A or K at the 5 level or higher.