Team: | Baseggio | Last Updated | Oct 23, 2020 at 11:31 |
Players: | Andrew Stark - Franco Baseggio |
(1N)-2 = one major
1m-2 = inv 2N Transfers after 1M-(X) by UPH |
5 card Majors, Strong NT (14+ to 17-), 2/1 GF. In 2/1 GF auctions, the cheapest rebid and a rebid of opener’s major is switched (cheapest bid is generally just waiting). In GF auctions, bids are always presumed probing rather than length showing
Red preempts are sound; white preempts could be light, e.g. weak 2s generally as weak as KJxxx but not 5332 (new suit NF) Open all 12 counts, many lighter with shape |
Vs Suits: 3rd/low, sometimes high from many low cards or xxx if length promised.
A from AK. (K lead is “wakeup” possibly implying a switch to a singleton) Vs NT: attitude, Rusinow (K=power, AQJ may lead J or Q), high or 2nd highest from bad holdings (8 lead is ambiguous) Rusinow opening lead only, off in partner’s suit, dummy’s suit, or a side suit by preemptor Middle of hand: Attitude, except high/even low/odd when count clearly necessary When returning a suit, ordinarily original 4th best, but high from original 5 if original suit guaranteed 4+ |
Upside down count and attitude
Count against NT if J or lower wins trick Obvious shift implications against suits; attitude is first priority, then signal for the obvious shift; trick 1 is never suit preference Subsequent carding tends to be suit preference or random Upside down present count if given Trump suit preference Split honors 0/2 |