System Summary Form (SSF), 2022 JLall Online Teams #5

Team: Donner Last Updated Dec 19, 2021 at 12:49
Players: Janice Molson - Sandra Rimstedt

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2D opening is a weak 2 bid in a single major. The point range is 4 - 10 depending on vulerability. If next hand passes, all major suits bid at any level through 3S are p/c The bid of 4C says bid your suit as a transfer. The bid of 4D says bid your suit. 2D pass 3D is natural and forcing.
Over a major suit overcall x = penalty. Over a minor suit overcall or NT = X = penalty
Over pass or a 2-level overcall 2NT = show hand
3C = any minimum over this 3D says bid your suit as a transfer and 3H/3S are pass or correct. 3D/3H = heart/spades med strength. 3S/3N = hearts/spades maximum.
2D - p - 2S(pass or correct)= 2NT = weak with H, 3C = med with H, 3D = Max H

Opening 2H shows hearts and m 4 - 10 pts. 2NT asks for description. 4C/4D =Penalty double apply.

Opening 2S shows 5+/5+ with S and a minor. 2NT asks for minor.

General Bidding Style

Standard 2 over 1 style with 14+ - 17 NT. We open all 12 point hands and 10 or 11 points with shape. We play 5 card majors but in 3/4 seat it may only be 4. With 4-4 in minors we tend to open 1D We play Walsh style so 1C p 1D p 1N could contain one or both majors. We play 2 way checkback regardless of minor opened. All invitational auctions start with 2c over NT rebid. Jumps are GF. 1m p 2H is invitational 2N. 1m - p - 2S = limit raise in the minor
1m 3m and 1M - 3M is mixed. Numerous transfer sequences including over 1M x and 1D 3C and (1x) overcall P

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Vs Suits, Standard honor card leads
A from AK until 4S level then K from AK.
Leads against NT are Rusinow.
We lead 3/5 against suits and 4th or 2nd against NT.
After opening leads, we tend to lead count through declarer and dummy. We lead ace from ak through 4 level vs suits Unless Declarer has shown 9+ cards in 2 suits in which case it’s count

Defensive Signals

. Our normal signals at trick one are attitude against suits and when possible count against NT (dummy wins first trick)
uSD ct and attitude. Std present ct. rev smith echo vs NT. Trump suit preference
Rev smith vs NT