System Summary Form (SSF), 2022 JLall Online Teams #5

Team: Greenspan Last Updated Jan 7, 2022 at 23:10
Players: Jon Greenspan - Phil Benner

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1C =forc,not nec.strong: 5+C,8+/2-4C,14+bal/20-23 any4441/GF 5-4M+/GF 5D-4C+ Initial Responses to 1 (1st & 2nd seat)
1D = xfer, 4+H,less than GF exc 1444/04(54)
1H = xfer, 4+S,less than GF exc 4144/40(54)
1S = 1RF:no4M,less than GF OR GF: 4S-5+H
1N = 1RF:no4M,10-12bal OR ~GF:15+bal,no5M
2C = 6+D(noM),~4-10(by Vul) OR ~GF:4+C(no longer sidesuit)
2D = 6+H(<4S), ~4-10(by Vul) OR ~GF:4+D(no longer sidesuit)
2H = 6+S(<4H),~4-10(by Vul) OR ~GF:5+H(<4S)
2S = 6+C(noM), ~10-13 OR GF:5+S(<5H)
2N = 5-5M+,invit+
3C = 5-5m+, NF invit
3D = GF: 5-5m+
3M = unpsec.6+solid minor, stopper ask OR short, SI

Opener's 1st rebid after 1C opening
1C -1any-1NT=(semi-)bal range above Variable 1NT(see ranges below)
1C -1any-2D =art 1RF: 20-21bal/3+M support invit+ OR C's,invit+
1C -1RED-2M jump accept=5+C-4M min OR 4M,14-16bal(NVul only)
1C -1x-2M reverse/jump shift=4M-5+C,invit+
1C -1x-jump in NT=22+bal
1D =semiforc 1st&2nd(RE may pass w/0-3[4]): typ.2+D,8-21,but may be 1D444,10-19 if unable to open 1NT(no singD A/K/Q) or 1 +rebid 1N; 3rd&4th=4(rarely3)+D,non-forc

Initial Responses to 1D (1st & 2nd seat) *1H/1S= *alert: may be 3* IF too weak to rebid 1NT(~4-7) OR hoping to rightside NT
1N = noM, <6D: ~8-11
2C = 5+D(noM),~4-10(by Vul) OR ~GF,4+C(noM,Ds never longer)
2D = 6+H(<4S),~4-10(by Vul) OR ~GF,4+D(noM,Cs never longer)
2H = 6+S(<4H),~4-10(by Vul)OR ~SI,6+H
2S = 6+C(noM),~10-13,playable opp. short OR ~SI,6+S,<5H
2N = noM: 12-14bal, NF invit
3C = 5-5m+, NF invit
3D = GF: 5-5M+
3M = short,GF: 5-4m+

Opener's 1st rebid after 1D opening
1D -1M-1NT = 11-14 (xyz'ish'continuations incl. 1D -1H -1S )
1D -1M-2C = art.1RF,~15+ (typ.Ds or 3+M support)
1D-1M-2M = always 4card support
1D -1M-3C = GF 5D-4C+ OR 4M bal,18+
1D-1M-3M = 17-19 unbal other mostly standard

Kaplan Interchange over 1 OFF BPH
1H -1S (if KI<4S,1st&2nd only)-1NT=1RF:8-11/17-21
1H -1NT-2C =1RF,Gazilli-type
1M-2C (1st & 2nd)=art,15+: OPs 2D rebid=art,all 8-11
1H -2D /1S -2H =exactly 3M support,LR+ OFF BPH
1H -2S = GF: 5S-2H+ OR 4+H,bal LR+
1H -2N=shortS,4+H,LR+;1 -2N=4+S,bal LR+
1S -1NT-2C =1RF,Gazilli-type
1S -2D =6+H inv+ OR OK opp short OFF BPH
1M-3level jump shift=short,4+M LR+

Variable1NT: WEAK- penalty X's;no Stayman(2C ->2D to play or art invit+);xfers;
1N-2C =range?/5+CbalGF; 1N-2N=4-4m+weak/5+DbalGF; 1N-3m=to play; xferLeb BUPH STRONG- negX's; Stayman; xfers; xfer Leb
1st&2nd: NVUL 10-13 no4M(exc soft 4M333)/VUL 14-16
3rd: NVUL 12-14 no4M(""")/VUL 15-17
4th: any VUL 12-14 no4M(""")

2D = 5D-4C+,no4M,~8-14 2M= 6+goodM, ~8-14 exc. 1stNVUL=5+M,~2-8

General Bidding Style

1C=forcing,not nec.strong (SEE "...Require Advance Preparation")
1D=semiforc 1st & 2nd; 1D-1M may be 3 (SEE "...Require Advance Preparation" )
1st & 2nd Seat Light opening bids (8+HCP,but not mandatory); open all 11HCP hands
->Rule of 17/8-10HCP openings prefer slighter better shape/texture/primes Vul vs. NVul
1C : may open 8(or Rule of 17)-10 w/5+C rebiddable OR 5+C-4S OR 3S-4H-5+C
1D : may open 8(or Rule of 17)-10 with rebiddable 5+D OR 5+D-4S
1D : may open 8-10 w/2-4D+4S w/decent texture, primes
1D : may open 1D444 with 10-19 if unable to open 1NT (no sing D A/K/Q) OR 1 +rebid 1NT
1M: routinely open 8HCP/Rule of 17 with decent 5+suit/5M-4x pattern
1S : may open 4S,8-10bal w/4 of top 6S,otherwise 5+S; may pass semiforc 1NT w/4S or 5S332,8-9(10)
Pre-balancing style in comp: pre-empts may vary by VUL/positions (destructive-->sound)
Variable1NT(weak 1st-3rd NV & 4th; strong 1st-3rd vul)
@1level: overcall 4card suits common (6+HCP);
offshape/light T.O.X.
cooperative/card-showing X's (esp.after 2way type bids by responder or fit established)
support X's (Majors only->2M) = optional,show more than minimum opening

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

vs.NT: default=4th best, but may be (2nd)highest
A/Q asks UDA; K asks unblock UDC; otherwise
STD honor leads
vs. suits: 3rd/5th(9=0/2higher) STD honor leads
typ A from AK
MIDDLE of hand: low=can stand suit back
hi=can't stand suit back exc ruff

Defensive Signals

UDCA: 1st discard default=discouraging+UDC
but not obligatory
subsequent discards=neutral to discouraging
(STD present count/suit pref optional)
obvious+recognizably HI=strong encourage

Primary signal=attitude
2nd: UDC
3rd: rightside-up suit pref