System Summary Form (SSF), 2022 Open USBC

Team: Jenkins Last Updated Apr 30, 2022 at 20:36
Players: Gary Cohler - Billy Cohen - Ron Smith

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

We play transfers over your direct strong nt and in both seats over your weak nt by unpassed hands.

We play jump shift in other major is a mixed raise.

General Bidding Style

We open pretty sound (especially billy) both one bids and preempts.

Our nt range is 14+ to 17-,upgrading frequently(especially Gary).

We may open very light in third seat favorable.

We normally have six for a weak 2' but can have five non vul .,

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

4 th best

3rd and 5th vrs slams if we want to give count card.

A from ace king until five level unless declarer has preempted with three or four of a major.

In middle of hand we lead 4th or attitude if warranted.

Vrs nt we lead Rusinow from four or more except in partners suit.

King is big lead vrs no trump

Defensive Signals

We play standard signals and no smith echo.

We give partner what we think partner needs to know.

Generally, we give attitude when we lead a suit and count or suit preference or nothing when you do.