Team: | Xiao | Last Updated | Dec 24, 2021 at 12:59 |
Players: | Victor Xiao - Jeff Xiao - Eric Xiao |
1 = 3+, 11-21, transfer response
1 = 3+, 11-21 1/ = 5+, 11-21 2 = 18-21 bal or GF with , , or 2 = Weak 2 in major, or 25+ bal, or GF with 2 = 10-13 with 6+ 2 = 10-13 with 6+ 2NT = 22-24 bal |
Always open 11-count hand
3rd/4th seat 1M open can be light with 4-card suit Transfer scheme widely used after opp's 1-level overcall |
4th best against NT/Suit
Against NT: 0/1, K from AKJX, Q from KQ10X, J from QJ9X Against Suit: K from KQ, Q from QJ, J from J10 |
Upside Down Attitude and Count
Signaling priority is: Attitude, Count, Suit Preference |