Team: | Chen | Last Updated | Dec 22, 2022 at 15:22 |
Players: | Tianyang Chen - Fangqing Yuan |
1 opening: Strong, ART, forcing.
- 1 = 0-7 (8 if BAL), or 2- ctrls (A=2, K=1). - 1+ = GF, ART relays. --- 1/ = 4+/. --- 1NT/2 = 12+/9-11 BAL. --- 2 = 6+ or 5+4+. --- 2 = 6+. --- 2 = three-suited hand with short /. --- 2NT+ = 45+ with specific information on the shape. - Relays off condition. (1) Opps directly overcall over 1 when responder is either GF w/o 5+M (with 5+M, relays off when 1M occupied) & UNBAL or weak (5-); (2) Opps directly overcall 1NT+ when responder is either GF & BAL or medium (6-8); (3) Opps overcall 3 steps higher after responder makes initial GF bid. 1 opening: 5+, may have M55+, may light as 8 HCP if 55+ suits. - 1 = any GF, relay. - 1NT = 4-5, NF. - 2 = any INV w/o support. - 2 = 9-11, 3+. - Pass might as strong as 10 HCP if no appropriate shape to bid. 1 opening: 5+, denies M55+. - 1NT = any GF, relay. - 2 = any INV w/o support. - 2 = 9-11, 5+. - 2 = 9-11, 3+. - Pass might as strong as 10 HCP if no appropriate shape to bid. Vs. strong 1: - X = single suit, or +. - 1 = single suit, or +. - 1 = single suit, or +. - 1 = single suit, or +. - 1NT = +, or +. Vs. 1NT: X = pen, 2 = +, 2NT = +. 2NT opening: 55+ minors preempt. Transfers over 1M (x) when we open or overcall. |
Strong 1, 5-card majors.
14(13+)-16 1NT: often with 5 card major, rarer 6 card minor or singleton A/K/Q. Suit opening with 11 BAL, and 11(10+) UNBAL, 3rd place may be very light, especially when NV. 1 = 2+, 2/ GF except for 3/ rebids, 2/ two-way reverse Flannery. 2 = 6+, 2 Ask. 2 = Short-diamond, 3415 or 4315 or 4405 or 4414, 2NT Ask. May respond with very weak hand and long major. 1 level overcalls 8+ HCP, 2-level sounder. F1 major-suit free bids in comp. at 2-level. Preempts: Wide range (could be good or bad) if parter is a PH, may be quite light if NV. |
Vs. NT:
- 4th best except for Hx(x). - Often lead high or second high from bad suits. - Partner's suit: High from xxx if raised, others the same. - K asks count or unblock, and A or Q asks attitude. - Std. hornor leads (J from AJT/KJT). - Occ. lead incorrect honor or spot. Vs. Suit: - 3rd from even, low odd. - Partner's suit: High from xxx or xxxx if raised, others the same. - K asks count or unblock, and A or Q asks attitude. - Std. hornor leads (A from AK, J from AJT/KJT). - Occ. lead incorrect honor or spot. Following: - Return: Count first, often 3rd/5th of current cards. - Switch: Generally attitude, 3rd/5th under honor, top from bad suits. |
Vs. NT:
- Priority: UD Attitude -> Std. Count -> Suit Preference, vary with logic. - Lavinthal discard: Discourage the discarding suit, high prefers higher suit, low prefers the lower. - Smith echo when suitable: High in declarer's first suit encourage the opening lead suit. - Count in partner's suit if dummy wins trick-1. Vs. Suit: - Priority: Std. Attitude -> Std. Count -> Suit Preference, vary with logic. - Std. discard: high encourage, low discourage. |