System Summary Form (SSF), 2022 Michael Seamon Junior USBC - U26

Team: Johnstone Last Updated Nov 23, 2022 at 19:23
Players: Robert West - Isaac Stone

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation


In first/second, 1D is artificial, forcing, and shows a hand with a good 14 or more HCP. It could be less with good shape.


In first/second, 1C is artificial, shows 0+ Cs, and is a catch all bid for various shapes in the 10-14 HCP range. These shapes include:

13 to 14- balanced nonvul, 14- balanced vul. This includes 5332 major hands.
Unbalanced hands with either or both minor(s), 10 to 14-
3 suited 11/12 to 14-
54+ in the majors, 10 to 14-
7+ cards in one major


In first/second seat, 1M shows any and all hands with 4+ of that suit and 8-10 HCP NV, 8-11 V. We may rarely have less than 8 HCP if our hand meets the rule of 17. The opening could be canape.

1S strictly denies 4+ hearts.


1/2nd nonvul 10-12. 1/2nd vul 11+ to 13. 3/4th 14+ to 17.


5-6(7) cards, 5-9 HCP, all vuls. No suit quality requirements. May have a 4 card major if in the 5-7 HCP range. This opening is not mandatory and judgement may be used.


2M is either 6 cards in the major, or 5 cards and a 4+ minor, (9)10-13. It denies 4 of the other major.


2NT is 55+ in the majors, with an upper cap of 9 HCP. The opener is never forced to make this bid, especially vulnerable.

Bidding in Third/Fourth

1C, 1D, and 1M all show significantly more strength in third/fourth seat. 1C 13-16, 1D 18+ bal, 17+ unbal, 1M 10-16, 5+ cards. The 2 level across the board is 5+ cards and 0-15 HCP.

General Bidding Style

This is a relay system where each opening bid through 2S has the possibility for an artificial shape showing auction where one player is captain and the other player describes their shape/strength through a series of artificial calls.

If opponent interference takes up space, and is a bid of 1NT or higher, relay is off.

In general, we play a light style. This applies to takeout doubles, overcalls, etc.

Isaac is significantly more aggressive than Robert and is prone to think of bidding agreements more as suggestions.

Negative free bids are common in many situations. X by responder/advancer is often used as an amorphous call requesting more information to place the contract.

In some 1 level situations, X by responder is game forcing (1C - (1D/1H/1S) - X).

Opposite a passed hand, bidding can be significantly wider ranging than standard (natural 2 level openings of 0-15 HCP).

We don't believe in requiring 6+ card suits to make jump overcalls or preempt.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Vs No Trump:
Standard honor leads
Lead 2nd or 4th. 2nd indicates negative attitude. 4th should indicate a good suit.
2nd from low doubleton (8x or lower) high from high doubleton
Ace asks to unblock
Count on king, attitude (or unblock) on ace

Vs Suits:
Standard honor leads
Ace or King from AK, depending on requesting count (King) or attitude (Ace)
Top of singleton or doubleton

Middle of hand leads are the same in suits and no trump

Defensive Signals

Upside down count and attitude is our primary paradigm. Attitude is the primary signal given on partner's leads, but there are exceptions (count given on the lead of a king).

When there is no future in a suit (singleton on board vs suits) partner's carding is suit preference.

Upside down count when opponents are on lead. When opponents lead trump, suit preference given by low-high or high-low echo, but mostly carding in opponent's trump is an attempt at random carding.

First discard upside down attitude. Further discards upside down count.