Team: | Berk | Last Updated | Dec 13, 2022 at 15:05 |
Players: | Lucy Zhang - Sophia Chang |
1 opening can be as short as 2.
2 opening shows preempt in either major or 20-21 bal 2 opening shows preempt in both majors 2 opening shows preempt in + minor 4/4 are Namyats We play a modified CRASH over a strong 1 opening 1st step: 2nd step: 3rd step: + or + 4th step: + or + 5th step: + or + Over NT: 2 - both majors, 2 - either major, 2 - +minor, 2 - +minor, X - penalty |
15-17 1NT
Sound 1st/2nd seat openers, light 3rd seat (esp. when favorable) and sometimes 4th seat. |
2nd/4th against no-trump, 3rd/5th against suits. A from AK. The A is our âš¡powerâš¡ lead. |
Upside Down Count+Attitude
Trump suit preference Priority: attitude > count > suit preference |