Team: | Chen | Last Updated | Dec 11, 2022 at 01:38 |
Players: | Qian Sun - Jiahe Shen |
2D: Majors Weak, could be 4-4 if NV 1st place 3NT: Solid Minor Fit showing Jumps and SPL Lebensohl Drury Tranfer responses in some cases Good-Bad 2NT |
2/1 GF,2C over 1X ART; 1C could be only 2, 1D 4+
Natural with 5-cards major opening We open most 11 HCP hands and some 10HCP hands Rarely light except some 3rd place opening 1NT=14-16 BAL, could have 5M or 6m 2D=Majors 2M=(5)6+M |
2nd/4th against NT. 3rd/5th against Suit
3rd/5th for Partner's or Own bid suit K for unblock against NT K from AK in Suits if seeking counting signals 0-1 higher when leading 3rd/5th in the Middle of the Hand 0-2 higher when Middle of the hand or leading Partner's or Own bid suit. |
Standard Signals on First Trick
Upside Down afterwards Odd/Even Discarding, low odd=encouraging Priority: Attitude>Count>Suit Preference Sometime Suit Preference first if Attitude and Count doesn't seem to matter, e.g Dummy singleton. Counting first on Declarer's suit against NT |