System Summary Form (SSF), 2022 Michael Seamon Junior USBC - U26

Team: Xiao Last Updated Dec 12, 2022 at 13:57
Players: Brent Xiao - Richard Jeng

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

Opening bids:
1C strong, art, forcing (16+ unbal, 17+bal)
responses to 1C
- 1D 0-7 or <2 ctrls (A=2, K=1)
- 1H+ GF artificial relays (transfer oriented symmetric relays)
--- Relays off when opps overcall direct 1H+ over 1C. After responder makes initial GF bid, relays off if both opps bid (not counting 1D overcall), or if opp overcalls a full level higher.

1D 10-15 HCP, 2+D (may be stiff honor)
2C 10-15 HCP, 6+C (may have side 4/5 cd suit)
2D 10-15 HCP, 4415-1 (D shortness)
2NT both minors weak

Transfers over:
1M (x) when we open or overcall
1D (x)
1D (2C)
1D (3C)

General Bidding Style

Light openings – All 11 counts and some balanced 10s depending on vul
1NT 13+-16
1NT 14+-17 3rd vul/4th all
5 cd majors
2/1 game forcing
negative free bids
Preempts and overcalls depend on vul

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

vs NT:
4th best
1st/2nd from bad
Rusinow from 4+, K power
Middle of hand usually attitude

vs Suits:
Standard honor leads
A from AK
Leading K from AK suggests side shortness
5level+, K asks count

Defensive Signals

Generally Attitude > Count > SP
Std SP and present count
vs NT reverse smith at T2 only