Team: | Scott | Last Updated | Dec 12, 2022 at 00:51 |
Players: | William Scott - Reese Koppel |
Transfers starting at 1N after 1M (X)
Vs (1NT) any strength: 2 one major Preempts can be very light at favorable, some 5-card weak twos in third. |
5533 openings (1M occasionally 4 in 3rd/4th)
Open most unbalanced 11s and some balanced (Reese opens more of these than William). Open some unbalanced 10s and rare 9s with shape and unsuitable for a preempt Frequent upgrades into 1NT/2NT. Light 3rd seat openings when good suit Very light responses to 1m when short there Conservative invites and aggressive accepts Showing pattern takes priority over strength or stoppers. |
Vs Suits: 3rd/low from length, standard honor leads, A from AK. Low from xxx unless length is already known, high in that case.
Vs NT: 4th from good suits, standard honor leads. A for unblock/count, Q for unblock of J only. 2nd from bad 3-4 card suits (1st if equivalent) Mid-hand: original 4th from length (suits or NT). Some attitude against NT. |
Partner's lead: UD attitude, SP if attitude known
Declarer's lead: Reverse smith vs NT, otherwise UD count Trump suit: suit preference First discard: UD attitude Later discards: UD remaining count |