Team: | Goyal | Last Updated | Dec 12, 2022 at 22:50 |
Players: | Sarik Goyal - Sheldon Tan |
1-1 is either natural or any 6-10 hand with no 4cM
1-2 shows 4-5, 3, and is inv+ 1M-2 could be as short as 2 and GF, 1M-2 shows 5+ and GF 2NT opening is 22-24 bal, 20-21 bal opens 2 |
2/1, 15-17 1NT
Openings are generally rule of 20 Tend not to open bal 11s (unless in 3rd seat), may pass some bal 12s Sarik is relatively more likely to pass bal 12s, Sheldon is relatively more likely to open bal 11s In 3rd seat, may open 1M as light as 8 2-level preempts may be 5 cards NV, Vul preempts tend to be sound |
3rd/low vs suits, A from AK, K asks count at the 5 level or higher
4th vs NT with an honor including T, otherwise 2nd (but still top of doubleton), K usually asks for count or unblock |
UDCA including UD current count
Priority is Attitude, Count, Suit Preference but this may vary depending on what we believe partner needs to know Rev Smith against NT We may choose to not signal/falsecard when we don't think it's necessary |