Team: | Yeung | Last Updated | Dec 12, 2022 at 22:02 |
Players: | Alan Yeung - Ian Dunbar |
(1any) 1M (Neg X): 1N thru 2 under TRF, TRF to opp's suit is 3 trump limit raise
1m (X): Inverted On, TRF starting at XX. 2m-1 = 7-9 raise 1M (X): 1N thru 2M-1 TRF. 2M-1 = 7-9 raise 1-(1): X thru 2M-1 TRF. 2M-1 = 7-9 raise 1M-(1/2 any)-2N: Limit+ with 4 card support 10-13 1N 1st/2nd NV 1N-2N: Modified Puppet Stayman Mini-Roman 2: 10(11)-15, any 4441 or 5440 Direct 3 lvl cuebid: wk or str 3 suiter short in opener's suit Vs Str NT: X = long m or +, 2 = +( or ), 2 = +( or ), 2M = Nat, 2N = + Vs Wk NT: X = Pen, 2 = +( or ), 2 = +(+), 2M = Nat, 2N = Str + or , 3: + Vs Art 1/1,Str 2 or 2N: CRASH is played where bids that are not the majors show 5-5s and majors may be light, 5-6 card suits. Starting at the X, step 1 = + or +, step 2 = + or +, step 3 = + or + |
Usually 5 card Majors (1N Resp F, (5)6-12), 4 card Majors likely opened in 3rd or 4th seat
Min Opening: 10-11 Unbal, 10 BAL NV, 11-12 BAL V Variable NT: 10-13 1st/2nd NV, 14-16 1st/2nd V, Good 14-17 3rd/4th all and overcalls, 1N rebid changes to the other range depending on vulnerability. All balanced hands in range are opened 1N including 5 card majors. Some semi-balanced hands as well, 5422 with 5 card majors, 6322 with 6 card minors with play in NT Twisted SW1NE used after 1N-(Pen X) 2/1 GF, 3 under INV 1-1, 1M-1N: Forcing, Gazilli continuation 1 level overcalls 8+ HCP and may have 4 cards. Usually 4 card overcalls are over unpassed hand when overcaller has a hand that would be opened 1m and can't overcall 1N or it is a weaker lead-directing bid that is okay with playing at the 2 lvl. 2 level overcalls are generally sounder, but no guaranteed strength 1 with 3-3 minors, 1 with 4-4 minors Weak 2 Preempts: Wide, usually light 3rd Seat Preempts: Range from wk to int. Int is a 6 card suit that would deny an invite to game 4th Seat 2 Level Opener: Strictly intermediate with a 6 card suit. 3 Lvl minors: Could be 6, must be broken suit 3 Lvl majors: Guaranteed broken suit, a hand that can't bid NAMYATS 3N: Gambling single suited minor 4m/4M: NAMYATS Vs an artificially strong opening, an overcall at favourable vulnerability, if not conventional, shows a long suit and is usually lead directing if partner is unable to sac. |
vs ALL: Polish 2nd/4th, small from doubleton, 2nd from bad, 4th from good, may lead BOSTON from 3 if spots are not clear enough and count is less important.
vs NT: Rusinow, A asks attitude for Q, K is power for any Q or J unblock or count, Q asks for J unblock or attitude for A or K, J is highest, T is 1+ touching and A or K, 9 from T9 vs Suits: A from AK+ (except 5+level) Hx Leads: Small if not partner's suit, H if partner's suit. Usually small from Tx or Jx unless partner rates for values Middle of Hand: 2nd/4th leads upside down remaining count May occasionally lead incorrect honor or spot |
Upside Down Count & Attitude
First Discard: Lavinthal Signalling Priority Normally: Attitude, Count, Suit Preference (Count may be inferred from attitude signal, meaning we will try to play correct count if able while giving correct attitude). Suit preference is given if 3rd hand is known to be unable to cover card in dummy or with singleton in dummy and in any situation where the suit is obviously not useful. vs NT: Count is given on first trick if dummy wins trick 1. Reverse Smith played at first trick led by declarer. vs Suits: Obvious shift attitude is given at trick 1 for the remaining 2 suits that are not trump. Unusual honour calls for unusual shift |