System Summary Form (SSF), 2022 Michael Seamon Junior USBC - U26

Team: Kolesnik Last Updated Dec 13, 2022 at 13:02
Players: Emma Kolesnik - Jacob Freeman

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1m-2H is less than inv rev Flannery
1m-2S is mixed in minor
(1C)2C NAT and 2D majors
2D/H/S weak
1M-2NT is lim+ raise in major
Transfers over 1M (x) when we open or overcall

General Bidding Style

5 card majors, longer minor (usually), we open almost all 11 counts, 14-16 NT when non-vulnerable 1st-3rd chair, light reverses (sometimes based mostly on shape), can be very light 3rd chair openings, 1st seat favorable 3-level preempts very light

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Vs Suits: 3rd/low, may lead attitude when leading a raised suit,
A from AK,
lead of K from AK and switch shows singleton
Vs NT: 4th best vs NT from interest,
K power lead,
Rusinow in 4+ card suits
In middle of hand typically lead attitude (doesn't apply if we've already played any card in the suit)

Defensive Signals

reverse smith vs NT at T2,
upside down count and attitude,
suit preference in trump suit,
default count on declarer's lead, standard present count