Team: | Kolesnik | Last Updated | Dec 13, 2022 at 13:02 |
Players: | Emma Kolesnik - Jacob Freeman |
1m-2 is less than inv rev Flannery
1m-2 is mixed in minor (1)2 NAT and 2 majors 2// weak 1M-2NT is lim+ raise in major Transfers over 1M (x) when we open or overcall |
5 card majors, longer minor (usually), we open almost all 11 counts, 14-16 NT when non-vulnerable 1st-3rd chair, light reverses (sometimes based mostly on shape), can be very light 3rd chair openings, 1st seat favorable 3-level preempts very light
Vs Suits: 3rd/low, may lead attitude when leading a raised suit, A from AK, lead of K from AK and switch shows singleton Vs NT: 4th best vs NT from interest, K power lead, Rusinow in 4+ card suits In middle of hand typically lead attitude (doesn't apply if we've already played any card in the suit) |
reverse smith vs NT at T2, upside down count and attitude, suit preference in trump suit, default count on declarer's lead, standard present count |