Team: | Xiao | Last Updated | Dec 13, 2022 at 20:09 |
Players: | Stella Wan - Cornelius Duffie |
In 1st or 2nd seat, 3NT opening is weak with (56)+ in the minors. |
2/1, strong NT.
In 1st and 2nd non-vulnerable, we open almost all balanced 12 counts and a few balanced 11 counts. Vulnerable, we (especially Cornelius) will pass some balanced 12 counts. In 3rd seat non-vulnerable, we may open very light, especially with a good suit (e.g., KJT9x xxx xxx xx might open 1). We may respond with a very weak hand. |
Against NT:
Rusinow from 4-card and longer suits; 8 ambiguous (may be from 8xx, 87xx, 98xx or 4th best, but H98x leads 4th best). K is power. From xxx, typically lead high (Txx might lead any of the three); from xxxx, usually the second highest except from consecutive spots (then highest). Against suits: 3rd from even, low from odd. High from xxx in partner’s raised suit. A from AK except (1) At the 5-level or higher, (2) After they opened at the 3-level or higher, (3) When shifting to a singleton, (4) From AK tight, or (5) In partner’s suit. Mid-hand: Shifts are generally attitude. Original 4th best when returning the suit led. K asks for count. |
Usually UD attitude on partner’s lead.
Usually UD count on declarer’s lead. Standard present count in suit’s that have already been played. Generally don’t signal in trump, but high-low may be high suit-preference. |