Team: | Simson | Last Updated | Feb 9, 2023 at 12:21 |
Players: | Doug Simson - Jeff Aker |
1. 2-suiter overcalls: 1-2 = 5-5+ Majors. 1 minor-3 minor = strong Majors. over 2+ 1-2=5+-5+ Majors NF (1M) 2M=oM + d,3c=oM+c 2. ART responses to 1 opening (16+ ART): 1 = 0-7; others = ART GF: 1 = or 11-13 BAL, 1 = (suits = 5+), 1N = , 2 = , 2 = 8-10 BAL, 2 = 14+ BAL, 3 = any SOL suit, others = 8+ w/3-suiter. 3. Responses to 1 opening: 2 = 5/4 (+), less than INV, 2 = same but INV, 3 = minors less than INV. could be very light nv with lots of shape 2n- invitational but due to our light opening bid style may be better than you'd expect -- up to 13 particularly opposite a 1st seat white 1d. 4. Many comp TFERS used. If to new suit, = showing that suit, or a lead-directing raise perhaps w/o 5+ cards in the transferred-to suit, 1-X-1NT = tfer to Clubs, 2 = to , etc. 5. Many ART raises used. 1 under at 3-level is normally a Mixed raise (7+-9 support value with 4+ trump). 2NT normally used as Major raise. 6. (1M) 2M oM + diamonds. (1M) 3 oM + clubs 7. 2 way doubles: after 1M (x) xx double by opener at 2 level= 1 or 4. (2M) p (3M) p (p) x is light takeout or penalty 8. when showing shape in response to an artificial inquiry may choose to show singleton honor as a doubleton (more likely by Jeff) 9. except at favorable, double of splinter asks lead of lowest other suit 10. Pen P of xx if over the known length 11. In general xx of 3N to play direct, doubt in 4th seat. 11. x or art. raise lead direct if c/b as much as inv, t/o otherwise |
Precision (RM style). All stated point count ranges are approximate. Often upgrade with distribution.
1NT opening = 14-16, but 15-17 in 4th seat, or 3rd seat VUL. Will upgrade or (less frequently) downgrade. 1 = 16+ or compensating shape 1 = 11-15 catchall but 2+'s, very rarely 5M332 or stiff honor with the shape for a 2 opening. Occasionally open 10 balanced, most likely 1st seat favorable 5-card Majors 11-15, 2 = 6+ 10-15, 2 = 3-suiter short in (can be 43 in Majors either way) 10-15. Responses can be light, or passes heavy. Openings tend to be light. Preempts can be on 5 (weak 2's) or 6 (3's).5 card weak 2 common 1st/3rd seat fav., possible other nv positions, rare but not impossible vul. Doug preempts lighter than Jeff. General light style, and variations allowed, e.g. can open 1NT with 13 if we think it is worth 14, or 1 with stiff K of Diamonds instead of 2, or opening with less than 11 HCP with a reason to to so. 1M-2M is about 8-11 in general. With less generally 1N 1st although may choose to raise if that seems right tactically. 3rd seat openings can be very light, and might be on shorter length (4-card Major, 5-card 2C opening). most doubles takeout or extra offense; 1N often 5422 (including 5h4s) even if values very concentrated; x of 1N overcall bph not penalty psyches rare but not impossible. Most common 3rd seat white. Jeff once psyched 2h in response to 1s with a Yarborough. Very few forcing passes (and never vulnerability based. Pass/double inversion in 1c and 2/1 auctions. |
Vs NT: in dummy's or partner's suit, standard honor leads. Otherwise, Rusinow (K=Power) from 4+ card suits( but Q may be from KQx); top from 3 or less. In pard's suit, 9/10 = 0/2 higher, and 3rd best spot leads (otherwise att, or hi-ish from weak).
Special leads when using Rusinow vs NT: 9 can be from A98 or J98, 10 from AQ109, Q or J from AQJ or KQJ. Vs suits: Standard honors vs 5+ level and in pard's suit (but 9/10 = 0/2 higher in pard's suit). Opening lead always 3rd/low. Ace from AK and otherwise standard honor leads (exceptions noted above, and below when Rusinow applies). If known to have 3+ cards in the suit led, Rusinow honor leads apply (if not pard's suit). After Trick 1, spot leads are 3rd/low or ATT or bridge plays. 9 or 10 = 0/2 around into Q or J in dummy. If needing to hold the lead, often lead 2nd best from non-touching card combinations. |
Upsidedown Count, Attitude, (std. present count)
If we show the AK combination, then Trick 1 Count or ATT would be standard. Also applies if we switch to the King around into Qx(x) in dummy, holding. Standard ATT if we lead low from our own long suit vs NT and dummy wins stiff Q or higher. Normal style is ATT on pard's lead and CT on Declarer's lead, but we try to give the signal partner would logically be looking for. We might signal honestly or randomly; depends on who we think will benefit from it. We play SP vs suits at trick 1 unless AK lead- |