Team: | Lebowitz | Last Updated | Apr 3, 2023 at 20:55 |
Players: | Michael Rosenberg - Zachary Grossack |
1![]() ![]() ![]() 1m-2red = Reverse Flaneery (1 ![]() ![]() 1m-2 ![]() Wk2-3m NF (opener can bid) Wk2-J3M = Inv. First seat favorable 3x can be a joke. Responder's JS to 3-level after overcall = Inv. NF When we open 1m and you overcall, we play a lot of transfers in comp., or 'switches'. Transfers from 1N thru 2M-1 after 1M opening or overcall gets doubled We play 2-way doubles (double is stiff or 4-card) after 1x(Dbl)-XX (non-jump) and after 1x(2-suited overcall)-X (bid in suit known to be held by overcaller) |
1N = 14+-17. Zach might be light esp. nobody vul. Same for 1N overcall though represented range is higher.
Might pass 12 HCP vul (MR more often). Zach more likely to open light on shape. Might respond very light. 4-4 in minors can open either - except 4-1-4-4 'must' open 1 ![]() Possible to open a 'phony' 1m. |
Vs. Suits. 3rd/low A from AK except a) Doubleton b) 5(+)-level (asks count) c) Partner's suit d) Declarer has opened at 3 or 4-level in 1st/2nd seat e) Alarm clock (shifting sing.)
After trick one in obvious count situation low from odd 2nd highest from 4 Vs. NT: 4th, usually from honor (Ten is optional) but may have no honor if no desire for shift Second highest when want shift (possibly with honor). Highest if top two spots sequential. High from xxx (usually low in partner's suit) Can lead low as attitude when known to have more than 4 Rusinow honor leads from 4-card or more down to 8 lead. Standard from 3 or fewer. K is power lead. 3rd/5th in partner's suit if not supported Vs. All: After trick one, attitude leads. 9 or 10 is 0/2 higher. !o through dummy's AJx promises higher. |
Vs. All: Standard at Trick one (except discards), UDCA thereafter. Standard present count.
Signals for whole hand, not just suit led. After trick one A asks attitude K asks count (so might lead Q from KQ) Murky cards can express uncertainty. First discard is most telling. Discard in previously played suit usu. present count Split honors: 2nd highest in front of declare, unless dummy has higher card (then split highest) Highest in front of dummy. Vs. Suits: When no more tricks can be cashed/set up, we play SP When shown 5+ (not 3rd seat 1M) 3 way signal - extreme is attitude others SP 'Mini-count' always on A lead when dummy has guarded Q or K lead and AJx(x) in dummy. Other mini-count possible. On Q lead when dummy has K, 3rd hand gives count with ace On Q lead from (apparently) AKQ, give attitude for J. Vs. NT: On ace lead, highest encouraging card asks for K next At Trick 2 only Reverse Smith echo unless count necessary, or holding in suit led is known, or dummy has 3 clear stoppers, |