System Summary Form (SSF), 2023 Mixed USBC

Team: Dinkin Last Updated May 16, 2023 at 22:55
Players: Sam Dinkin - Olivia Schireson

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1C limited Art. 0+C nf and its 1D GF response by unpassed hands
1D Str. art. and its responses 1H showing art. semi positive or 1S art. double negative
4m transfer to opposite color Major

General Bidding Style

General Bidding Style

We open all 8+ HCP* hands in 1st and 2nd seat except:
1) Unfavorable: 8-11 without a 4CM or 5Cm, 8-10 5m4m/5m332
2) Other vulnerabilities: 8-9 hands without a 4CM or 5Cm

Our weak 2's (only in minors not unfavorable in 1st/2nd seats) are usually 5-card suits
Our 3-level preempts are generally 6 or 7 card suits

Strong 1D and intermediate and unbalanced 2H/2S (showing either 5431 with a 4 card minor or 6+ in the major, not MM, and 10-14 HCP)

Artificial 1C includes all patterns in the 10-14 range that are not opened with 2M.

Variable NT (mini in 1st/2nd NV: 10-12 Vul: 11+ to 13, 3rd/4th: 15-17 no 5CM)

Opening 1M 1st/2nd: NV: 8-10- Vul: 8-11. Any pattern with 4+ in that major (except that both majors are always opened 1H). If natural NT pattern, HCP less than the 1NT range or some downgrade. If unbal, more than 7 losers or some downgrade.

Opening 2m is weak except at unfavorable.

In 3rd seat, we will generally pass balanced 13's and some balanced 14's. 2 of a suit is wide ranging 5+suits including weak up to 14. 1 level is all str NV 1D 18+ and everything else 15-17, 1C F1. The only difference Vul is 1C is 13+-17.

In 4th seat 2 of a suit is 5+suit 13-14 and the 1 level same as 3rd.

*We routinely upgrade if we have 10+ cards in our two longest suits

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

VS NT: 4th from suits we like; higher otherwise. K asks count/unblock. Q could be from KQ or QJ.

VS suits: 3rd from even, low from odd. A asks Att, K asks count.

Attitude shifts mid-hand

Defensive Signals

UDCA. Generally attitude unless known, then count unless known, then suit preference. We attempt to give count or SP earlier if we judge partner will need it.