Team: | Schireson | Last Updated | May 26, 2021 at 18:03 |
Players: | Robbie Hopkins - Joan Lewis - John Miller |
2D opener = 3 suited with 10 - 12 HCP
2H = Flannery with roughly 11 - 15 HCP and 6 Hearts is permissible 1H-P-1NT does not deny 4 Spades We use 22-point evaluation method for opening (21.5 NV) in 1st-2nd |
Natural almost always opening our longest suit
Rebidding a second suit tends to show an unbalanced hand; rebidding NT shows all balanced patterns (with or without stops) |
4th best from honors, second from weak holdings
except 9 from all 98x... combinations including j98... and A98...(NT) but not K/Q98...=> length ambiguous when the 9 is lead high from 3 small having raised partner's suit and vs. NT in any suit A from AKx... except 5-level or higher Attacking low during the middle of the hand implies length and the ability to stand the return |
Attitude normally except
Count on the lead of and Ace or Queen |