Team: | Zheng | Last Updated | Dec 9, 2024 at 21:39 |
Players: | Weilong Shen - Lixin Zheng |
We do not play anything that requires advance preparation. |
2/1 Game Forcing
5-card Majors 15-17 1NT We do not open balanced 11 counts without 5-card Major Slightly wider range preempts when partner is a passed hand. |
Standard honor leads, A from AK+ below the 5 level, K otherwise; K from AK tight.
Against all contracts on opening lead, top from xxx, xxxx; second best from 10xx, 10xxx, or 9xxx; small from Hxx; 4th best from Hxxx+. Exception: 3rd/low lead against suits when leading partner's suit that was not supported in the auction, or partner has shown 6+ cards. In the middle of hand: K from AK or AK+, Standard remaining count. |
Standard attitude and count
Attitude on opening lead and discards, with exception: unblock or Count when partner leads A against NT Count when following declarer's suit, if necessary Suit preference when dummy is short (1-); when giving partner a ruff, and some other scenarios when appropriate. |