Team: | Vance | Last Updated | Aug 29, 2022 at 16:05 |
Players: | Grant Vance - Greg Vance |
Multi (no strong option) and Raptor NT overcall |
Strong , 14-16 NT (or great 13), 4 card majors, 1 promises only 1. We tend to open all 11 counts, and very good 10 counts. |
4th vs NT, 3/5 vs suits. Rusinow leads (not in partner's suit). We don't lead Rusinow vs NT, when our suit length is less than 4 cards. Leads are standard in the middle of the hand. |
UDCA except 3 exceptions on the opening lead: 1) vs suits - king lead, queen in dummy 3 or longer. 2) honor lead in NT - dummy has a singleton or void. 3) singleton honor in dummy, winning the trick.
We give attitude first, count next, suit preference last. Unless situation dictates other priorities. |