System Information

Schwartz-Graves System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card
Chambers-Schermer System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card
Hamman-Lev System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

About the Players

Richie Schwartz
schwartz2Richie Schwartz, photo by Peg Kaplan

Richard(Richie) Schwartz, born in 1943 ,is an ACBL Grand Life Master, WBF World International Master. He became fascinated  with the world of horse racing in high school, and was not exposed to bridge until College (Michigan) around 1962. Success  came quickly in bridge, his second lifetime passion,  playing with his peers and mentors Eddie Mansfield and Freddy Hamilton.

After college he  worked in the Defense and Aerospace  Industry for 5+years,then turned all his energies to pursuing his first passion and became one of the country's most successful horse handicappers from 1975 to 1989 . During that time he played rubber bridge and put serious bridge competition on hold.

Since retiring from full time betting, Richie won the: U.S. Senior Bridge Championship in 2011 and 2012, which led to winning a silver medal at the World Mind Sports games in Lille in 2012.

He also won : National IMP Pairs in 1989, Jacoby Open Swiss 1992, 2013, Vanderbilit KO 1997,1998 and 2005, Mixed BAM 2002. Also second in Spingold KO 1996, Reisingers 2002, 2004,Vanerbilt 2000, 2004, Lebhar IMP Pairs 1990, Wernher Open Pairs 1993, Nail Life Master Open Pairs 1998, U.S. Bridge Championship 2000, Mixed BAM 2006,  and the Cavendish Invitational pairs in 1994 . He  plays rubber bridge several times a week in the "Big Game" in New York's Regency and Cavendish clubs.

Allan Graves
Neil Chambers
chambersNeil Chambers, photo by Peg Kaplan

Neil is a recently retired tax accountant from Price Chopper Supermarkets (Golub Corp) who plays bridge professionally.

He lives in upstate NY with his wife Donna, and has one son (Adam) from his previous marriage to Juanita.

Neil's partnership with John Schermer goes back to the late 60's. Golf, bridge and his wife are his passions. He's looking forward to more time with them all now that he's retired.
John Schermer
SchermerJohn Schermer, photo by Peg Kaplan  
Bob Hamman
hamman3Bob Hamman, photo by Peg Kaplan

Robert D. Hamman was born in Los Angeles County, in 1938. He lived in California for several years early in his bridge career, learning much from the many great West Coast players of that era. He returned to Dallas when he became the sixth member of Ira Corn's Dallas Aces, and has lived there since. Most observers consider him to be the consummate bridge player, with a remarkable ability to focus only on the deal being played, irrespective of the circumstances. He is particularly noted for his tenacity and his never-give-up attitude.

Unlike many of the top American players, Bob has a job away from bridge too - he is the President of SCA Promotions, Inc, a prize promotion company in Dallas, Texas. Petra, his wife of 15 years, has won North American titles and was a member of the winning USA women’s team in Maastricht, while his son, Chris, is also a promising player. Remarkably, Bob even has time for a few hobbies - all games, sports and playing backgammon.

Bob might be considered the high priest of the four-card major, but he also believes in limited openings and the power of a strong club system. His partnership with Paul Soloway provided an opportunity for Bob to indulge his creative side, and he never stopped tinkering with the system, which currently runs to nearly 200 pages. Soloway, who had more free time than Bob, learned the system well and mastered its more arcane sections rather better than The Great One himself, and it is possible that they did well despite the system rather than because of it.  

Sam Lev
lev3Sam Lev, photo by Peg Kaplan