The Palmer team (Beth Palmer - Sylvia Shi, Lynn Deas - Juanita Chambers, and Janice Seamon-Molson, Tobi Sokolow) won the 2016 Women's USBC in convincing fashion, challenged only in the Quarterfinals, where they defeated Weingold by 6 IMPs over 60 boards. Their Semi-Final opponent, Wittes, withdrew after 105 boards, down 132 IMPs. In the Finals, against the top-seeded Baker team, they took the lead in the second segment and never looked back. The final margin was 34. By winning the Women's USBC, the Palmer team earned the right to represent the US in the 2016 World Bridge Games in Wroclaw, Poland in September. GOOD LUCK!


                           2016 Palmer Team

                  Tobi Sokolow, Beth Palmer, Sylvia Shi, Lynn Deas, Janice Seamon-Molson & Juanita Chambers