At its meeting on July 27th, the USBF Board made some important decisions about the 2021 USBCs, based on current concerns about the spread of CoVid19:

1. All participants in the 2021 USBCs (players, NPCs, coaches, and staff) must submit proof of vaccination against CoVid19 to the USBF Secretary before play starts. Only players who have  submitted that proof will be allowed to play either online or face to face. Volunteers and other attendees in Schaumburg must submit proof of vaccination before face to face play, and will not be allowed in the playing area or hospitality suite without having previously submited such proof.

After discussion, the Board decided that there would be no exceptions to the vaccination requirement.

2. Face to face play at the 2021 USBCs will be on tablets. There will be either 2 or 4 players in each playing room, depending on the situation when face to face play starts.

3. Less important for players, but perhaps important for others, kibitzers will not be allowed in the face to face playing rooms. All tables in play will be shown online, at an appropriate time after actual play takes place.