This page has pairings for the first Round Robin.

Pairings for each round will be entered after the deadline for lineups to be submitted. 


RR1 Round 1
Beatty vs Reynolds
Brines vs Tebha
Brod vs Xiao
Ge vs Rogoff
Lall vs Vance
Levine vs Lo
Lewis vs Sprung
RR1 Round 2

Beatty vs Sprung
Brines vs Lo
Brod vs Rogoff
Ge vs Levine
Lall vs Tebha
Lewis vs Xiao
Reynolds vs Vance

RR1 Round 3

Beatty vs Tebha
Brines vs Lewis
Brod vs Lall
Ge vs Reynolds
Levine vs Sprung
Lo vs Vance
Rogoff vs Xiao

RR1 Round 4

Beatty vs Lewis
Brines vs Vance
Brod vs Sprung
Ge vs Xiao
Lall vs Reynolds
Levine vs Tebha
Lo vs Rogoff

RR1 Round 5

Beatty vs Levine
Brines vs Rogoff
Brod vs Tebha
Ge vs Lo
Lall vs Xiao
Lewis vs Vance
Reynolds vs Sprung

RR1 Round 6

Beatty vs Lall
Brines vs Reynolds
Brod vs Lewis
Ge vs Sprung
Levine vs Vance
Lo vs Xiao
Rogoff vs Tebha

RR1 Round 7

Beatty vs Brod
Brines vs Lall
Ge vs Lewis
Levine vs Reynolds
Lo vs Sprung
Rogoff vs Vance
Tebha vs Xiao

RR1 Round 8

 Beatty vs Ge
Brines vs Levine
Brod vs Lo
Lall vs Rogoff
Lewis vs Tebha
Reynolds vs Xiao
Sprung vs Vance

RR1 Round 9

Beatty vs Xiao
Brines vs Brod
Ge vs Lall
Levine vs Lewis
Lo vs Reynolds
Rogoff vs Sprung
Tebha vs Vance 

RR1 Round 10

Beatty vs Lo
Brines vs Xiao
Brod vs Vance
Ge vs Tebha
Lall vs Sprung
Levine vs Rogoff
Lewis vs Reynolds

RR1 Round 11

Beatty vs Brines
Brod vs Ge
Lall vs Levine
Lewis vs Lo
Reynolds vs Rogoff
Sprung vs Tebha
Vance vs Xiao

RR1 Round 12

Beatty vs Vance
Brines vs Ge
Brod vs Levine
Lall vs Lo
Lewis vs Rogoff
Reynolds vs Tebha
Sprung vs Xiao

RR1 Round 13

Beatty vs Rogoff
Brines vs Sprung
Brod vs Reynolds
Ge vs Vance
Lall vs Lewis
Levine vs Xiao
Lo vs Tebha