System Information

Schwartz-Coren System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

Chang-Fallenius System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

Compton-Jacobus  System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

About the Players

Richard Schwartz
Richard Coren
Fred Chang
Bjorn Fallenius
Chris Compton












 Bridge Resume:
Chris began playing Bridge professionally in the ACBL at the age of 17. He is a World Grand Master and an ACBL Grand Life Master with over 20,000 ACBL masterpoints.
While representing the United States, Chris placed 4th in the 1986 World Open Pairs in Miami, Florida (at the age of 26) and again placed 4th in the 1998 World Open Pairs in Lille, France. Chris continues to represents the USA in international invitational events on a regular basis.
In the US, Chris  won the 1989 Reisinger Board A Match Teams at the Lancaster NABC and the 2007 Jacoby Open Swiss in Detroit finished 2nd in both the 1986 and 2005 Vanderbilt Knockout Teams. Chris has at least 3 additional NABC 2nd place finishes, and no less than 6 semi-final appearances in Vanderbilts and Spingolds. Playing in a series of Bridge Pro Tour individuals during the year 2003, Chris won $16,400 and remains the BPT all-time winning money leader.
Chris enjoys playing high stakes rubber-bridge at TGR’s Bridge Club in London and the Cavendish Bridge Club in New York.
He has authored the teacher manual for 2/1 Texas Style and offers this class periodically at the Bridge Academy of North Dallas. Chris often serves as a volunteer lecturer at ACBL Regionals and Nationals.
Chris served as President of the United States Bridge Federation in 2004 and is presently 1st alternate to District 16 of the American Contract Bridge League.

Personal Life:
Chris Compton has a B.A. in History from the University of Houston and a J. D. from the University of Texas School of Law. Chris presently plays professionally while performing a modicum of legal services. Donna and Chris live in Dallas with two daughters, ages 13 and 9.
 Marc Jacobus