The WBF has announced that the 2021 World Championships will likely take place in Salsomagiorre, Italy from late February through early March (finishing before the Spring NABC, which is scheduled to start on March 10). Therefore, the USBF Board has tentatively scheduled the 2021 USBCs. Online stages of the Open, Mixed & Senior USBCs will be in September on RealBridge. The KO stages of all events for both USA1 and USA2 from the Quarterfinals of USA1 on for all four USBCs will be face to face at the Hyatt Regency in Schaumburg in October. Reasonably firm dates for all of the events are listed below, and you can see them on the Online and Face to Face calendars.

What we know:
  • If the WBF cancels the World Championship before play has commenced in the Open USBC, the USBCs will be cancelled.
  • If the WBF cancels the World Championship after play has started, the USA1 and USA2 teams in each event will receive some consideration for a future events. Exactly what that will be will be decided and announced before play commences.
  • The event entry fee is $500 and covers entry in the event and the online stages of play. There will be an additional session fee of $400 per team, per day for face-to-face play.
  • Each player in the face to face stages of the event will be required to waive any claims against the USBF related to health issues and to agree to comply with all Conditions of Contest, including any requirements related to health and safety.
  • Open will be Sept. 13-15 and continue Sept 17-20, 21, or 22 depending on the number of teams.
  • Mixed will start September 24th.
  • Seniors will start October 1, unless more than 14 teams enter in which case it will start September 29th or 30th depending on the number of teams.
  • There will be no Women's online stage unless more than 8 teams enter.

Face to Face:

  • Open will be October 5-12
  • Women's will be October 7-14
  • Mixed will be October 15-22
  • Seniors will be October 23-30

Entry Closing Dates

  • Open: July 24th
  • Mixed: August 7th
  • Seniors: August 21st
  • Women's: Sept 9th
What we think:
  • Players will be required to be vaccinated or present a negative CoVid test from no more than 3 days before play commences
  • Face-to-face play will be on tablets, using the LoveBridge platform
  • Play will be at normal screen tables, probably with 4 players in a room; we may experiment with 2 players in a room for some stages to provide better security

For more information about a specific event, see the event page under the Tournaments Menu to the left.