System Information

Deas-Palmer System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

McCallum-Baker System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

Sanborn-Baker System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

Levitina-Sanborn System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

About the Players

Lynn Baker
Karen McCallum
Lynn Deas
Beth Palmer
Irina Levitina
   Irina Levitina, of  Hackensack, NJ  is the only person in the world to win world championships in both chess and bridge.  Irina is co-founder of the  International Chess Academy in Teaneck , NJ. You can read more about the International Chess Academy and Irina's chess career at this website on which the following comment appears:  As a coach, Irina is very strict and demands only the best, with the most amount of effort from each and every student.  It is this that usually forces students to try and get on her good side.
When not playing bridge or teaching chess, Irina enjoys reading,  puzzles and watching ice hockey.
Kerri Sanborn