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Congratulations to the USA2 Venice Cup team, who won the Gold in the Venice Cup, to USA2 in the Seniors on a very close second place finish for Silver and to the all-US Gordon team, who won Gold in the Transnational Teams. Well done all!

Venice Cup Winners:

2013 Venice CupJenny Wolpert, Sue Picus, Disa Eythorsdottir, Jill Levin, Janice Seamon-Molson, Jill Meyers, Migry Zur-Campanile

D'Orsi Senior Bowl Silver Medalists:

2013 Senior SilverGarey Hayden, Marc Jacobus, Eddie Wold, Mike Passell, Carolyin Lynch, Roger Bates, Donna Compton

Transnational Team Winners:


gordon2 pratap
berkowitzDavid Berkowitz, photo by Peg Kaplan Sontag10
pepsi MichaelSeamonMichael Seamon, photo by Peg Kaplan