Our site is undergoing a migration and some things may not work as expected. We appreciate your patience.

                                  FACE TO FACE STAGES OF PLAY



Time - CDT



Oct. 14
8:00 PM
Captains' meeting with DIC (on Zoom)
Oct. 15
9:45 - 12:10
12:25 - 2:35

3:45 - 5:55
6:10 - 8:20
Segment 1  Boards 1-15
Segment 2  Boards 16-30
70 Minute Lunch break
Segment 3  Boards 31-45
Segment 4  Boards 46- 60
Oct. 16
10:00 - 12:10
12:25 - 2:35

3:45 - 5:55
6:10 - 8:20
Segment 5  Boards 1-15
Segment 6  Boards 16-30
70 Minute Lunch break
Segment 7  Boards 31-45
Segment 8  Boards 46-60

Semi-Final & USA2 Stage 1

Oct. 17
10:00 - 12:10
12:25 - 2:35

3:45 - 5:55
6:10 - 8:20
Segment 1  Boards 1-15
Segment 2  Boards 16-30
70 Minute Lunch break
Segment 3  Boards 31-45
Segment 4  Boards 46- 60
Oct. 18
10:00 - 12:10
12:25 - 2:35

3:45 - 5:55
6:10 - 8:20
Segment 5  Boards 1-15
Segment 6  Boards 16-30
70 Minute Lunch break
Segment 7  Boards 31-45
Segment 8  Boards 46-60

Final & USA2 Quarterfinal & Semifinal

Oct. 19
10:00 - 12:10
12:25 - 2:35

3:45 - 5:55
6:10 - 8:20
Segment 1  Boards 1-15
Segment 2  Boards 16-30
70 Minute Lunch break
Segment 3  Boards 31-45
Segment 4  Boards 46- 60
Oct. 20
10:00 - 12:10
12:25 - 2:35

3:45 - 5:55
6:10 - 8:20
Segment 5  Boards 1-15
Segment 6  Boards 16-30
70 Minute Lunch break
Segment 7  Boards 31-45
Segment 8  Boards 46-60

USA2 Final

Oct. 21
10:00 - 12:10
12:25 - 2:35

3:45 - 5:55
6:10 - 8:20
Segment 1  Boards 1-15
Segment 2  Boards 16-30
70 Minute Lunch break
Segment 3  Boards 31-45
Segment 4  Boards 46- 60
Oct. 22
10:00 - 12:10
12:25 - 2:35

3:45 - 5:55
6:10 - 8:20
Segment 5  Boards 1-15
Segment 6  Boards 16-30
70 Minute Lunch break
Segment 7  Boards 31-45
Segment 8  Boards 46-60

                                           ONLINE STAGES OF PLAY

Round Robin



Time - EDT


Sept. 25
11:30 AM
Captains' meeting with DIC
(on Zoom)
Sept. 25
12:00 - 1:05
 1:25 - 2:30
 2:50 - 3:55
 4:55 - 6:00
 6:20 - 7:25
Round 1- Boards 1-9
Round 2 - Boards 10-18
Round 3 - Boards 19-27
60 Minute Break
Round 4 - Boards 28-36
Round 5 - Boards 37-45
Sept. 26
12:00 - 1:05
 1:25 - 2:30
 2:50 - 3:55
 4:55 - 6:00
 6:20 - 7:25
 7:40 - 8:45
 Round 6 - Boards 46-54
 Round 7 - Boards 55-63
 Round 8 - Boards 64-72
 60 Minute Break
 Round 9 - Boards 73-81
 Round 10 - Boards 82-90
 Round 11 - Boards 91-99