The USBF has been asked to send a Women's team to the second Hua Yuan Cup being held in Beijing, China Oct. 13-18th, 2013. All women USBF members should receive an email asking for an expression of interest in competing. If you did not receive the email, either because you are not registered on the USBF site, or because the email address you gave USBF is no longer correct, or because your email program thinks that email from the USBF website is junk, and are interested in competing in this event, please
Click here for a description of how the votes will be tabulated to select the top pairs.
Click here for the full text of the email sent to women USBF members for whom we have email addresses.
Click here for the answers to some questions Board members have been asked.
Click here for the specifics of the event.
Click here for instructions about changing the email address USBF has for you.