The Augmentation Provisions of the GCOC provide:

A team representing the United States in international competition shall be composed of six players. If a team that qualifies to represent the United States has fewer than 6 players, an additional player or players shall be added to the team in accordance with the following procedure.
A.    Team Nomination
The team may nominate a player or player(s) to be augmented. If it does so, USBF management shall poll the entire Credentials Committee regarding whether any member of the committee believes that the normal augmentation procedure should be used. If all of the members of the Credentials Committee respond that the player(s) should be added, the proposed player(s) shall be approved. If not, the normal procedure shall be employed.
B.    Normal Procedure
If there is no nomination by the team or if any member of the Credentials Committee believes that the normal procedure should be employed, the following shall be the procedure.
    1.    Announcement of Need to Augment
USBF management shall send an email to every USBF Active or Resident Member who has provided USBF with his or her email address and post a notice on the USBF website stating:
        •    A team that has qualified for the (named) WBF Championship has fewer than 6 players.
        •    Additional player(s) will be selected.
        •    Eligible members may submit their names for augmentation in accordance with Section B below.
    2.    Players Submit Names
Any Active or Resident Member of USBF may inform USBF management that he or she wishes to be considered for augmentation. The member may include a statement regarding why s/he would be an appropriate player to be added. The statement may include information about any partnerships the player has with players already on the team to be augmented and any other information the player deems relevant. By submitting his or her name for augmentation, a  player agrees that if selected, s/he will play on the team in the World Championship, barring any unforeseen events.
    3.    Augmentation Committee Chosen
An Augmentation Committee shall be selected from the members of the USBF Credentials Committee. Normally, the Augmentation Committee will be self-selected. USBF management shall ask all members of the Credentials Committee if they are available to serve on selected dates and times and if they have any reason to believe that they have a conflict. Any Credentials Committee member who is available and does not have a conflict shall become a member of the Augmentation Committee.
    4.    Augmentation Committee Selects Players
The Augmentation Committee shall review the names of players who have asked to be added to the team and shall select the player(s) whose addition to the team would result in the strongest possible team. Before making its decision, the Augmentation Committee shall consult with the team captain and may ask for additional information from any player who has asked to be augmented. Normally, the augmentation committee will select from 3 to 5 players or pairs.
    5.    Team Selects Player(s) to be Added
The Augmentation Committee shall send the names of player(s) it has selected to the team captain. The team captain shall select the number of players necessary to augment the team to 6 players from among the players whose names were provided by the Augmentation Committee. The players so chosen shall be added to the team.
    6.    If Team Fails to Select Players, Full Credential Committee Chooses Player(s) to be Added
If the team is unable to agree upon the necessary number of players from the list provided to them, the full Credentials Committee (except for any members who have a conflict) shall meet and choose the players to be added to the team.